24-28 February, services marked as Koulupäivinä, koulp. or kp* will not operate. Read more

Service taxis Hamina

A service taxi is available to all residents and complements public transport.

The fare is the same as the adult cash fare for buses.
You can pay in cash or by debit card (contactless payment is accepted). Waltti cards and mobile tickets are not accepted.

The schedules allow for small deviations from the route. If needed, the driver can assist you with your luggage. You can also ask about the possibility of transporting a rollator or a wheelchair. The service is operated by a 16-seater minicab.

Service taxis are not included in the Route Guide, and their timetables and routes are only available in Finnish. Route Guide.

Service Taxi Route and Timetables

Day of Operation: Monday

  • 12:00: Hamina – Myllykylä – Pyhältö
  • 9:15: Pyhältö – Myllykylä – Hamina

How to Get On

You can board the taxi at any point along the route where it is safe for the car to stop.
The taxi can also make a small deviation from the route to pick you up closer to your home.

To book a ride, call (05) 218 4455 (Nortamaa) no later than 16:00 the day before your trip.